Friday, May 1, 2009

GOing Out 4 ice skating ! go out with my buddy ...(yee kuan & kah hui)...we go pyramid ice skating ...waaa...really have fun n enjoy at there ...but aso get injured jo..haha..
i always careless geh...always scold by my mum "DA FAN SHU" ...haha..
Actually we plan to go clubbing de...but i need to pui my sis back home before 7 or cancel the plan bad....haizzz...nvm time oli go lu...hehe...all my fren nid to go college jo o...juz left me oli...still waiting 4 the letter to apply form 6 de...the government service really very slow lo..until now i aso haven recieve any very boring a...listening the song "我知道"This song quite nice le...and full of meaning my fren into to me geh...
very suitable to me ...haha...i wan wish tat who r going to study de fren ...must gambateh o!!!ja you !!^^

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


如果你觉得 我还可以信赖 那么我 依然是你的 如果觉得 这 是一种欺骗 你可以忘掉我 但曾经的美好 我会永远记下 你让我怎么忘得掉 你依然是我心中 最美的等候 在这一点上 永远不变 人与人之间 有太多的误会 但我愿意理解 是我在你的心中 有了一分重量 依然沉甸甸的 压在情感的最深处 我不奢求你的信任 但我愿意保证 我的真诚 你是我一生不倦的守候 我也依然是昨天那个 映在雪中的孤竹 两个人的感觉 与才学无关 你的自信应该建立在 你的眼光和你的判断上 男人和女人 本来就不是 在才学的基础上建立起来的 一种相知相契的关系 人的欣赏内容 有太多太多 但爱只有一个原因 是怦然心动的那一刻 彼此寄托的一切的美好 这才是永恒不变的声音 穿越一切磨难和未知 .....

New in Blogger!! new here...dont know want say bout wat in my 1st 18 years old gal...but many ppl say im luk lik 15 years old very happy aso when heard tat...^^ waiting 4 continue my study to take stpm ...actually i dont know i can handle it anot ...juz wan challenge it..hope tat wont make my parents feel dissapointed to me working as a clerk now while waiting for the skol start ...waa...realy very boring ...sometime will feel sleepy or fall asleep when counting the report of their company ...wakaka... i gonna stop tis job on april or may to continue my study..just wish good luck to myself in a new life 4 me !!!Gambateh!!!!WAIT...i still wan continue wating 4 true love aso ...actually i still young is not suppose to bother about tis...but i realy hope got some one can make me touch .... i want to know how the feeling be..^.^~~